Sunday, 19 October 2014

Back to the future

Back to the future? - Of course! Flux capacitor and all! I was kindly asked to bring my DMC to a Back to The future night in the Mac Belfast. The party had an "Enchantment Under the Sea" theme. Guests (including Marty McFly himself) enjoyed taking snaps and having a dance around the car. Great night! Looking forward to the anniversary of the movie -

DMC Delorean - Production 002

A short slidewhow - this is the 2nd ever Delorean created!

Saturday, 18 October 2014

Me and my DMC

Welcome to my world!! We're not here to take part. We're here to take over!

My babies

My first day as a delorean blogger

Hi. My name is Ciaran Woods. I live in a small town outside Belfast and have had a love for all things delorean from a young age. Living not far from the original Belfast Delorean factory I've just managed to acquire my second DeLorean. My first is a very special example indeed. And so, here my story begins. I look forward to sharing some cool Delorean facts, pictures and videos over the coming years. Enjoy!!